A New Beginning

I have always had what I call a very "plastic" brain; by that I mean a mind that slips easily between paradigms of thinking. I begin to see through the filter of those other ways very quickly without losing my ability to relate to my prior position. I think this natural flexibility of belief this is the true definition of what Shamans call "walking in different worlds" and is what caused me to gravitate towards the study of shamanism in the first place.
I still call myself a Shaman, because I see the term as the closest definition to what I have become, but recently, a series of personal changes (and choices) has left me at a bit of a loss in terms of a defining paradigm. Contrary to what you might think, and indeed contrary to how I would have thought about it before, I'm finding that it's just fine with me! I do not mourn the end of an "identity", I celebrate the integration of my many facets into a more complete and effective Human Being.
I'm still writing stories, with plans to publish them in E-book form in the near future, but you will find other information here too. I believe that those who need to find this information will find it. I hope that something about my own personal journey speaks to you, and helps you to unravel some of the mystery of your own Life.
Thank you for reading!

(just a reminder, all material and stories are copyrighted)

Monday, January 31, 2022

Everything old is new again

 Recently, someone asked me about where I was in my Shaman studies.

That isn't really the easiest question to answer.  I have to admit that I have moved from the world of books to the world of YouTube videos, but what I study doesn't "feel" like Shamanism these days.

It is said that Shamans "walk between worlds" and at the beginning I equated this with functioning while experiencing altered states of consciousness.  All well and good that, but now as things progress and I am exposed to more and more plausible explanations of the origins of human beings, I wonder if walking between the worlds means functioning in the world that most people think exists and the world that truly is.

The "new history" as it is ironically called, indicates that humans once thrived in a global, sea-faring society.  Copper was mined in Michigan.  A huge influx of  almost pure copper showed up in Europe that cannot be accounted for by the product of the local mines.

US reports mention the presence of UFOs at the South Pole.

The present population of most countries are not genetically identical to the populations of those countries in ancient times.

Egyptian pharos left blond and red-headed mummies.

There was no human "evolution" as we have known it.  There were many races of hominid but only one race of genetically modern humans and the variations we see today are the result of interbreeding.

Nobody really knows how that race of genetically modern humans got there.

"ghost DNA' is present in modern humans but we have no archeological evidence of a race of humans who had that DNA.

Much (if not most) of what we are taught today comes from an Academia that is financially and politically motivated. They hide the truth instead of bringing truth to light.

Shamans will tell you, in similar words, that "the world is what you think it is"  If I can converse with those who are still involved with the "old thinking"-who are living in the world in line with what they think it is, and those of the "new thinking" without royally pissing off either group-isn't that "walking between the worlds"?

And if this information has found its way to me, and I wouldn't have seen it if I didn't first believe it, then am I manipulating reality?  

And if so, then I've done it without what would normally be considered "ritual", or an altered state according to the conventional definition of the word.

These days, I shy away from any paradigm which demands that one can only be taught by one single group, or one kind of ritual-or any ritual at all really.  I do not label that as good or bad, simply as "not what I prefer".  What other people see as a difference in lifestyle I just see as my norm.  Shamanism is so integrated in my head that I no longer notice it.  That's a paradox for sure.

So I guess one could say that I'm flying by the seat of me Shamanistic pants these days.

So, forgive me if what I write about takes a sideways turn.  I see many many connections around me and it's not always easy to express that in words. But I'm a bit of an optimist, so Ill keep trying.