I can't tell you how often I've heard those words. But I never understood how important it was to do just a manner of speaking.
Most people have one of two mindsets about their core attributes; an open mindset or a closed mindset. An individual with a closed mindset might look at themselves, their talents and their attributes--like intelligence, and assume that these trates are immutable. They see themselves as having been born with a certain qualities that will never change, carved in stone. Problems in their world mean that they somehow dont merit anything better.
Those who have an open mindset are much more likely to see themselves as a work-in-progress; someone whose talents and knowlege can be cultivated and grow over time. Set-backs do not destroy them.
Which are you?
The most likely answer is; both. Depending on the situation or the time, we all exhibit traits of either, and that's just fine.
But at the same time, it is important to keep in mind that when you have a fixed mindset, everything reflects on you. You feel that everything in your life makes you seem worthy or unworthy. You look for mates who are perfect and make you look perfect. Most importantly, however, you limit yourself and your growth.
When confronted with a problem, those of us with closed mindsets will think "Well, I dont have the skills to cope with this, so I wont bother." Those with open--or "growth" mindsets might say "I havent seen this before, but I've prevailed in challenges before so maybe I will solve the problem this time too; or perhaps I can learn something here even if I dont succeed."
In simple terms, this mindset is beneficial for the Huna practitioner because
1) A Huna practitioner looks at everything and judges it by one thing only--Is it effective?
2) She is willing to try something new if the old methods do not work
3) She understands that Life is a process of growing and stretching.
4) She knows that the world is a reflection of one's self so perfection is entirely in her own hands.
Think awhile on your approaches to challenges and try to figure out how you most often approach them.
Think about your partners. Do you expect them to be perfect or do you consider them "works in progress"?
Do you feel that the works of the people around you somehow reflect on your worth as a person (especially when they're doing something stupid)?
Life really *is* a process of growing and stretching. If you feel as though you've stagnated, or that you have not had the opportunities you wanted; instead of looking for outside sources that you think are in your way, or blame other people who can't seem to get their act together, look inward and make a note of *your* mindset.
There is no success without risk, therefore, an individual who can cope with risk, assumes responsibility for her own thoughts and is willing to try a different approach until success is reached.
Take a good look inside...and "make up your mind."
A New Beginning
I have always had what I call a very "plastic" brain; by that I mean a mind that slips easily between paradigms of thinking. I begin to see through the filter of those other ways very quickly without losing my ability to relate to my prior position. I think this natural flexibility of belief this is the true definition of what Shamans call "walking in different worlds" and is what caused me to gravitate towards the study of shamanism in the first place.
I still call myself a Shaman, because I see the term as the closest definition to what I have become, but recently, a series of personal changes (and choices) has left me at a bit of a loss in terms of a defining paradigm. Contrary to what you might think, and indeed contrary to how I would have thought about it before, I'm finding that it's just fine with me! I do not mourn the end of an "identity", I celebrate the integration of my many facets into a more complete and effective Human Being.
I'm still writing stories, with plans to publish them in E-book form in the near future, but you will find other information here too. I believe that those who need to find this information will find it. I hope that something about my own personal journey speaks to you, and helps you to unravel some of the mystery of your own Life.
Thank you for reading!
(just a reminder, all material and stories are copyrighted)
I still call myself a Shaman, because I see the term as the closest definition to what I have become, but recently, a series of personal changes (and choices) has left me at a bit of a loss in terms of a defining paradigm. Contrary to what you might think, and indeed contrary to how I would have thought about it before, I'm finding that it's just fine with me! I do not mourn the end of an "identity", I celebrate the integration of my many facets into a more complete and effective Human Being.
I'm still writing stories, with plans to publish them in E-book form in the near future, but you will find other information here too. I believe that those who need to find this information will find it. I hope that something about my own personal journey speaks to you, and helps you to unravel some of the mystery of your own Life.
Thank you for reading!
(just a reminder, all material and stories are copyrighted)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The Power of Mindset
Law of Attraction,
New Age,
quantum physics,
self help,
Monday, May 29, 2006
Life is a Dream
Life is a Dream
The belief that Life is a dream is central to the Huna philosophy. Well, groovy; but how does one make sense out of that idea and more to the point--how does one incorporate that idea into daily life?
You begin by understanding the similarities between dreaming and conciousness. A dream is communication from your Ku, but since the Ku communicates in symbols, dreams are often the subject of a lot of interpretations.
In the waking world, the Ku sees *EVERYTHING*. but in order for the waking mind to function, the Ku filters out all but what is important at the time, in that way it oversees what we experience--much as it does when we are dreaming.
So...if we interpret events in our waking world as we interpret our dreams, we can get information that is useful to us. Simple.
When something particularly memorable happens to you, take a step back into another realm of awareness and pretend that it was a dream. If what happened to you had been a dream, in what ways could it be interpreted? As a dream, what messages might it be trying to convey? You can gain a lot of insight into the stuff you aren't normally aware of.
This is one reason that the ability for lucid dreaming is so important. By the same "force of will" you use to affect the happenings in your dreams, you can effect happenings in your waking world--although it takes a LOT longer.
I recently got a call from someone from my past--we shared an intense physical relationship but it didnt last long. The particulars of why aren't that important here, it's what the relationship represented to me, and its timing in resurfacing in my life.
I wondered what it was that made him decide to call me after so long, so I used the "Dream Interpretation" and applied it to the events.
What came to mind was that I was having difficulty in releasing desires from the past. This was certainly true in a few areas of my life, especially my work;
but I hadn't really been flogged with it until now. For those of you who are wondering, that was the catalyst for the stuff I've been spewing about concerning personal change and the like lately.
I found that by really taking some time to think about what it was I wanted NOW, I was able to get rid of some of the crap that had been gumming up the works for so know the kind..."well, I could do X"...or "I could do Y"..."I just cant pick between them..." all based on preferences and experiences I had in my past. I *know* I can do pharmacy...I've done it before, and so if life stuck it in front of me, I'd probably do it and not really think about it. But that's not the same as *wanting* to do it.
Settling for what is in front of you is not the same as wanting it. Trying to convince yourself that it's here for a reason is not the same as *wanting it*.
Trying to picture yourself in every possible job that comes your way is not the same as *wanting* to do it...even if you think you'd be "OK", or you "could do worse"..etc.
I had the same problem with relationships. (See the difference, Stephie?)
It was there, so was I, and so it was meant to be.
If for some reason things didnt work out, then to my mind it was the Universe taking something that belonged to me.
It kinda sucks when you live your life with the idea (in the back of your mind) that somehow you will lose EVERYTHING you ever had/wanted by virtue of a Universe that was either 1) teasing you to be mean 2) showing you werent a good person 3) trying to tell you that you've done something wrong; or any other number of nasty messages that you internalize.
So here's the challenge; take a recent and not-so-enjoyable event in your life and pretend it was a dream.
Then think about it...interpret it...think about what the elements could mean if they were really just symbols of something else...
I'm confident that you will find it surprisingly relevant to current events and challenges in your life. With your attention brought to that point, do you have any new ideas about how to deal with those current events?
All this sparked by a "waking dream".
Boy, those Huna dudes were right on the mark.
The belief that Life is a dream is central to the Huna philosophy. Well, groovy; but how does one make sense out of that idea and more to the point--how does one incorporate that idea into daily life?
You begin by understanding the similarities between dreaming and conciousness. A dream is communication from your Ku, but since the Ku communicates in symbols, dreams are often the subject of a lot of interpretations.
In the waking world, the Ku sees *EVERYTHING*. but in order for the waking mind to function, the Ku filters out all but what is important at the time, in that way it oversees what we experience--much as it does when we are dreaming.
So...if we interpret events in our waking world as we interpret our dreams, we can get information that is useful to us. Simple.
When something particularly memorable happens to you, take a step back into another realm of awareness and pretend that it was a dream. If what happened to you had been a dream, in what ways could it be interpreted? As a dream, what messages might it be trying to convey? You can gain a lot of insight into the stuff you aren't normally aware of.
This is one reason that the ability for lucid dreaming is so important. By the same "force of will" you use to affect the happenings in your dreams, you can effect happenings in your waking world--although it takes a LOT longer.
I recently got a call from someone from my past--we shared an intense physical relationship but it didnt last long. The particulars of why aren't that important here, it's what the relationship represented to me, and its timing in resurfacing in my life.
I wondered what it was that made him decide to call me after so long, so I used the "Dream Interpretation" and applied it to the events.
What came to mind was that I was having difficulty in releasing desires from the past. This was certainly true in a few areas of my life, especially my work;
but I hadn't really been flogged with it until now. For those of you who are wondering, that was the catalyst for the stuff I've been spewing about concerning personal change and the like lately.
I found that by really taking some time to think about what it was I wanted NOW, I was able to get rid of some of the crap that had been gumming up the works for so know the kind..."well, I could do X"...or "I could do Y"..."I just cant pick between them..." all based on preferences and experiences I had in my past. I *know* I can do pharmacy...I've done it before, and so if life stuck it in front of me, I'd probably do it and not really think about it. But that's not the same as *wanting* to do it.
Settling for what is in front of you is not the same as wanting it. Trying to convince yourself that it's here for a reason is not the same as *wanting it*.
Trying to picture yourself in every possible job that comes your way is not the same as *wanting* to do it...even if you think you'd be "OK", or you "could do worse"..etc.
I had the same problem with relationships. (See the difference, Stephie?)
It was there, so was I, and so it was meant to be.
If for some reason things didnt work out, then to my mind it was the Universe taking something that belonged to me.
It kinda sucks when you live your life with the idea (in the back of your mind) that somehow you will lose EVERYTHING you ever had/wanted by virtue of a Universe that was either 1) teasing you to be mean 2) showing you werent a good person 3) trying to tell you that you've done something wrong; or any other number of nasty messages that you internalize.
So here's the challenge; take a recent and not-so-enjoyable event in your life and pretend it was a dream.
Then think about it...interpret it...think about what the elements could mean if they were really just symbols of something else...
I'm confident that you will find it surprisingly relevant to current events and challenges in your life. With your attention brought to that point, do you have any new ideas about how to deal with those current events?
All this sparked by a "waking dream".
Boy, those Huna dudes were right on the mark.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Clear the Path
I dont think it's a cooincidence that all the information coming to me recently has to do with the way one's thoughts creates one's reality. In my life, there has been a focus on relationships between people and so I make use of this information by applying it to those issues.
Yes, I'm going all Huna on you guys, but bear with me on this...
So, by the very fact that you're in a "relationship", you're letting someone else co-create with you. In other words, you're actually turning over a bit of your own power to manifest reality and allowing another person/thing/place to have an impact on your reality. If the relationship goes down the crapper, it was really a combination of energy from both of you that created that reality. You can't control another person's actions, but you can minimize the negativity by eliminating the energy within you that draws it to you.
*as a side note, this is also a good way to tell if your relationships are "intimate" or not, as determined by how much of an mutual impact you have on each other's realities. If your partner goes out of the way to keep certain facets of their existance out of your influence then you may be holding back from a true sense of intimacy.
All this stuff is interconnected so I am not trying to speak for everyone, but what I want you to think about is this; when something goes wrong in a relationship it's really really REALLY (and did I say really?) easy to see what it was that the other person did "wrong". We don't see that as an attack on ourselves. Looking objectively at our own actions is harder.
Let me be clear that I'm not focusing on what you did "wrong",, which is more of an accusation, but what was your part, what are your thoughts and beliefs that manifest in this sort of situation.
In the area of Huna problem solving: the world is a reflection of what is happening inside us. If you are experiencing upset or imbalance, the place to look is inside yourself, not outside at the object you perceive as causing your problem.
This process is called Ho'ponopono in Hawaiian and translates literally as "to make right". It's a process used to connect to the Divine--what I call the Ohm in all of us, and you may see some similarities between this and some other religious beliefs.
One contacts the Higher Self (The Ohm, the Spark, God, Jesus etc) to ask that this moment and all it contains, be cleansed. Remember that the Ohm can erase or correct memories and thought forms. Since the Ohm created us, the Ohm knows what is going on with a person because on one level it is the person.
The idea here is not to go through every second of your past cataloging every possible slip up you may have done and beat yourself up over it.
In this system, there is no need to analyze, solve, manage or cope with problems. Since the Ohm created everything, you can just go directly and ask that it be corrected and cleansed.
Everything can be handled by you and the Divinity. You don't need to go one inch outside yourself for answers or help.
So getting back to relationships, let's assume that you need "cleansing" of old patterns that keep rearing their ugly heads. Make yourself comfortable and bring to mind your vision of the Divine.
Then say the following, paraphrasing or changing anything you wish to make it feel more relevant to you or ignoring it alltogether and making up your own prayer.:
(This Ho'oponopono was modified from one created by Morrnah Simeona for the 1977
International Huna Seminar in St. Louis, Missouri.)
Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son as One [The Poe `Aumakua, Great
Company of High Selves],
If I have offended you, your
families, and ancestors in thoughts, words, or actions from the
beginning of our creation to the present,
Humbly, humbly I ask for forgiveness
for all my errors, resentments, guilts, hatreds, hurts, traumas or
pain, offenses, and blocks which I have created and accumulated from
the beginning to the present
Please Forgive me.
Let this [mana] cleanse, purify, and release us, offender and offended
from spiritual, mental, material, and karmic bondage.
Pull from the Memory Bank of our [Basic] Selves all unwanted,
negative memories and blocks that attach, knot, tie, and bind us
Sever, detach, untie, and release these unwanted memories and blocks.
Transmute these unwanted energies to "Pure Light"
Fill the spaces these energies previously occupied by negativity with Divine Light of
the High Selves.
Let Divine Order, Light, Love, Peace, Balance, Understanding, Joy,
Wisdom, and Abundance be made manifest for me through the Divine Power
of the Divine Creator of all Life: Father, Mother, Son as One, the
`Aumakua, in whom we abide, rest, and have our being...
Now and Forevermore.
And it is Done.
If this is too long-winded for you, then write your own. Repeat it several times a couple of times a day for a few days, and whenever you feel that those ol' patterns are beginning to take hold of you again.
Yes, I'm going all Huna on you guys, but bear with me on this...
So, by the very fact that you're in a "relationship", you're letting someone else co-create with you. In other words, you're actually turning over a bit of your own power to manifest reality and allowing another person/thing/place to have an impact on your reality. If the relationship goes down the crapper, it was really a combination of energy from both of you that created that reality. You can't control another person's actions, but you can minimize the negativity by eliminating the energy within you that draws it to you.
*as a side note, this is also a good way to tell if your relationships are "intimate" or not, as determined by how much of an mutual impact you have on each other's realities. If your partner goes out of the way to keep certain facets of their existance out of your influence then you may be holding back from a true sense of intimacy.
All this stuff is interconnected so I am not trying to speak for everyone, but what I want you to think about is this; when something goes wrong in a relationship it's really really REALLY (and did I say really?) easy to see what it was that the other person did "wrong". We don't see that as an attack on ourselves. Looking objectively at our own actions is harder.
Let me be clear that I'm not focusing on what you did "wrong",, which is more of an accusation, but what was your part, what are your thoughts and beliefs that manifest in this sort of situation.
In the area of Huna problem solving: the world is a reflection of what is happening inside us. If you are experiencing upset or imbalance, the place to look is inside yourself, not outside at the object you perceive as causing your problem.
This process is called Ho'ponopono in Hawaiian and translates literally as "to make right". It's a process used to connect to the Divine--what I call the Ohm in all of us, and you may see some similarities between this and some other religious beliefs.
One contacts the Higher Self (The Ohm, the Spark, God, Jesus etc) to ask that this moment and all it contains, be cleansed. Remember that the Ohm can erase or correct memories and thought forms. Since the Ohm created us, the Ohm knows what is going on with a person because on one level it is the person.
The idea here is not to go through every second of your past cataloging every possible slip up you may have done and beat yourself up over it.
In this system, there is no need to analyze, solve, manage or cope with problems. Since the Ohm created everything, you can just go directly and ask that it be corrected and cleansed.
Everything can be handled by you and the Divinity. You don't need to go one inch outside yourself for answers or help.
So getting back to relationships, let's assume that you need "cleansing" of old patterns that keep rearing their ugly heads. Make yourself comfortable and bring to mind your vision of the Divine.
Then say the following, paraphrasing or changing anything you wish to make it feel more relevant to you or ignoring it alltogether and making up your own prayer.:
(This Ho'oponopono was modified from one created by Morrnah Simeona for the 1977
International Huna Seminar in St. Louis, Missouri.)
Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son as One [The Poe `Aumakua, Great
Company of High Selves],
If I have offended you, your
families, and ancestors in thoughts, words, or actions from the
beginning of our creation to the present,
Humbly, humbly I ask for forgiveness
for all my errors, resentments, guilts, hatreds, hurts, traumas or
pain, offenses, and blocks which I have created and accumulated from
the beginning to the present
Please Forgive me.
Let this [mana] cleanse, purify, and release us, offender and offended
from spiritual, mental, material, and karmic bondage.
Pull from the Memory Bank of our [Basic] Selves all unwanted,
negative memories and blocks that attach, knot, tie, and bind us
Sever, detach, untie, and release these unwanted memories and blocks.
Transmute these unwanted energies to "Pure Light"
Fill the spaces these energies previously occupied by negativity with Divine Light of
the High Selves.
Let Divine Order, Light, Love, Peace, Balance, Understanding, Joy,
Wisdom, and Abundance be made manifest for me through the Divine Power
of the Divine Creator of all Life: Father, Mother, Son as One, the
`Aumakua, in whom we abide, rest, and have our being...
Now and Forevermore.
And it is Done.
If this is too long-winded for you, then write your own. Repeat it several times a couple of times a day for a few days, and whenever you feel that those ol' patterns are beginning to take hold of you again.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
In the Beginning
"There once was a man who suffered from a pain in his heel and nothing he could do would help. He wrapped it up in yards and yards of bandages, used a big bag full of ice, and applied all manner of creams and lotions but the pain was still there. One day, as a last resort, he visited the home of a wise friend. "Tell me what is wrong", she said. "I have a pain in my heel", replied the man. "I have tried everything to make it go away but nothing has worked." "Let me take a look", said his friend. So the man unwrapped the yards and yards of bandages, removed the ice-pack and wiped off all the ointments and lotions and held up his foot for his friend to see. Suddenly, he felt a yank and a brief, sharp pain. "OW!" he cried, and for a moment he was very, very angry at his friend. But after a short time he realized that his heel no longer hurt. "This is amazing" he said. "I tried everything. I wrapped my heel in yards and yards of bandages, put ice on it and used all kinds of lotions and creams, but nothing ever helped to get rid of the pain. What did you do?" The wise friend shrugged and replied, "I took the tack out of your foot."
This is what Huna is like for me. In an age when we tend to focus on the symptoms, Huna or "Pule me mana" as it is sometimes called, teaches us to find the roots of our patterns and re-program them to bring us a positive and joyful existance.
This journal will be the place where I record my triumphs and challenges, and develop the projects which I hope will bring awareness to others.
I am by no means a master of this philosophy. I have studied Huna for the past 3 years and I have a long road ahead of me.
I hope you will enjoy the journey.
This is what Huna is like for me. In an age when we tend to focus on the symptoms, Huna or "Pule me mana" as it is sometimes called, teaches us to find the roots of our patterns and re-program them to bring us a positive and joyful existance.
This journal will be the place where I record my triumphs and challenges, and develop the projects which I hope will bring awareness to others.
I am by no means a master of this philosophy. I have studied Huna for the past 3 years and I have a long road ahead of me.
I hope you will enjoy the journey.
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